HOW TRUE IS THE CONSPIRACY THEORY by;Outstanding Woman Of The Year 2019 Nkemdi C. Mordi Kenneth

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I had a discussion with a young man I consider very intelligent recently. He told me that God created most people to be poor and a few to be rich.

He said life is destiny programmed.

He emphasized that it doesn’t matter if one is educated or not, they are bound to fail if they are created as failures. While those whose destiny is programmed for greatness will succeed with education or not.

The conspiracy theory states that some are born to be rich while others are born to be poor.

Based on this conspiracy factor, a few has cornered the world’s wealth, leaving the majority with little to share.

No wonder we have mafias, cartels, gangs and cabals who call the shot and decide sharing formulas and allocation of resources.

The conspiracy theory assumes that if you are not part of the elite or connected to the cabals, you will be frustrated and stranded in life.

In my view, the conspiracy theory is half truth.

My understanding is that nobody is programmed for failure. Our choices, decisions and actions determines our chances in life – failure or success.

The universe is programmed with principles, patterns and policies.

Activating, responding and acting on those principles determines our success ratio.

In addition, discovering a purpose, focusing on a big dream and the strategic pursuit of your life goals can secure you a place and position among the elites of this world.

However, careless lifestyle, laziness, ignorance, and poverty mentality will always sign you up as a celebrated failure. Yes, you heard me right!

I was not born rich. I up grew as an average Nigerian struggling daily for survival. But I took a firm decision to strategically break into the circles of the elite and the rich by the grace of God.

I am still on the journey. It seems tough and long, but I am hopeful of success.

I discovered that the easiest way to migrate from poverty to the rich circles is to DO what the genuinely rich do. Yes DO.

No ‘DO,’ no WAY.

Are you in interested? It is a tough journey friend. You have to pay the price before you will access the prize.

Come on! Let’s go!! Stay with men on this page!!!

1. Dream big in your career or field of business.
2. Write down at least 20 goals for 2020.
3. Work on those goals everyday.


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