We Are Yet To Defeat Boko Haram Because Foreign Countries Refused Selling Weapons To Us —Lai Mohammed

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“For example, for two years plus, we have been expecting certain platforms from some specific nations which they have not given to us.

“Even, some nations of the world have refused to give the needed maintenance on our existing platforms.

“The fight against terrorism is a global concern and it should be a global collaboration effort,” the minister stated.

“As much as Nigeria is devoted to fighting insurgency, we also need the help of developed nations to give us the necessary platforms that will make our fight against terrorism and insurgency more effectual.

“It is important to note that we are not asking these developed countires to give us these platforms for free.

“As a matter of fact, in most cases, some of these countries have basically refused to sell to us the required platforms for reasons best known to them.

“Consequently, you cannot refuse to sell to us adequate platforms to fight insurgency and terrorism and at the same time blame us for allowing terrorism to dilapidate the African continent.”

“It is important to point that the U.S had alerted that some Terrorist organizations were taking advantage on Africa’s ineffectual way of tackling the Covid-19 pandemic to progress their objectives in susceptible regions in Nigeria and other Africa societies.

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