Unknown Gunmen Raze Down Home Of House Of Reps Member, Hon. Canice Chukwugozie. (Photos)

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The Country Home of the Federal House of Representatives Member for Orlu, Orsu and Oru East Federal Constituency of Imo State, Hon. High Chief Canice Moore Chukwugozie Nwachukwu (Omeogo, Ogbaturuenyi Na Orlu), has been burnt down by Unknown gunmen.

The unknown hoodlums in their numbers, wading guns, explosives and other dangerous weapons invaded Omeogo’s Country Home situated in his village of Isioma Kindred, Abara Village, Amanator Okporo Community in Orlu Local Government Area of Imo State.

His domestic staff narrated how they finished having dinner and were sitting at the balcony of one of the buildings in the compound on Tuesday, September 26 at 11.35pm when the Unknown Gunmen, having gained entry through the fence rounded them up at gun points and walked them into the houses one after the other. And after looting properties and valuables, laid them on the floor and made videos of them threatening more severe attacks, they poured the petrol, which they brought in with two 20 liters kegs on the buildings and set the houses ablaze with explosives, bombs and dynamites.

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