ORDAINED BY GOD: Abia born fiery Pastor, Apostle Dr. Prosper Ugochukwu Hyacinth set to break santanic bandages in a 3 – day fire power crusade

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Apostle Ugochukwu Hyacinth, the Senior Pastor of Flame of Fire Glorious Ministries International Ikputu Nsulu may not be the most popular man of God in Abia state, but he sure is one of the most powerful in terms of deliverance. He has been going around spreading the Gospel of God and breaking family curses.

The man of God, called ” Agbawaisi” by his teeming admirers, meaning ” Let’s break heads” ( Head of Satan o) has in his latest series of healing and deliverance videos on social media spreading the message of liberation and delivering people from the shackles of evil forces, principalities and powers.

The senior Pastor in a chat with newsmirrorng.com said he is in a mission to deliver the people and spread the gospel of God as our personal saviour Jesus Christ, as written in the Bible and vowed he cannot rest until the message of repentance gets to all and sundry across the universe.

The Isiala Ngwa North born cleric, is currently embarking on a – three day power packed in Crusade in Nsulu with the theme ” ALTER VERSUS ALTER“. The programme which started on Thursday 21st December 2023,will end on Sunday 24th Day of December 2023.

The people attending the program are testifying how God is using their man of God as his instrument to deliver people from the evil and satanic bondages.

Are you having life threatening challenges, don’t miss the programme.


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