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A National Youths Service Corps member, Chidinma Paschaline Odume, who was standing trial over the gruesome murder of Akwaowo Japheth, has been discharged, following the Nolle Prosequi entered by the Attorney General of the State.

The incident is said to occured 10th January, last year at Abak Road, Uyo following a misunderstanding between the deceased and the accused person.

The Presiding judge, Hon. Justice Bassey Nkanang, in his ruling, struck out the case and discharged the accused person following the Nolle Prosequi of the Attorney General, dated 10th January, 2022.

The Court noted that the action was pursuant to section 211 (1) (c) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Section 71 of the Criminal Code Procedure Law of Akwa Ibom State.

“This case shall be and is hereby struck out and the accused person accordingly discharged.” The Court ruled.

Nolle Prosequi is a formal notice of discontinuation of the prosecution without a conviction.

© Harrison Essien

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