Lai Mohammed clears the air, says repentant insurgents can be prosecuted Posted by News Mirror, August 22, 2021

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The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, says contrary to the misleading report attributed to him, repentant insurgents can be prosecuted.

The minister, who spoke in Washington DC on Saturday, said he was misrepresented in the report claiming that “the decision of the Federal Government not to prosecute repentant insurgents was in line with global best practice”

The minister reiterated his position that the call for the shooting of the repentant insurgents without profiling and prosecution was against best global practice.

The minister said his words were unambiguous and repeated what he said in the report.

“I personally spoke to the military authority before I left Nigeria and they said what they were doing is what the global practice dictates about soldiers that surrendered that should be treated as prisoners of war.

“You cannot just shoot them because there are international conventions that give rights also to prisoners of war. What the military is doing is that, when they surrender, they profile them to ensure that they are genuine and reintegrate them into the society,” he said.

He reiterated his position that the fact that the country was witnessing insurgents submitting in droves calls for commendation of the President Muhammadu Buharu and military for their doggedness.

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