‘I fainted when my wife said I’m not father of our 14-yr-old daughter’ – Father of four says

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A Nigerian man, Yaqub Ganiyu, has recounted how he fainted twice after his wife, Muridia, whom he has been with for 17 years, informed him that their 14-year-old daughter isn’t his.

In an interview with Vanguard, Yaqub, a commercial motorcyclist, who resides in Lagos state, said he is yet to come to terms with the reality of his wife’s confession. According to him, he fainted twice out of shock when his wife broke the news.

Speaking in his one-room apartment on Matomi Street, Alagbado, a border town between Lagos and Ogun states, the father of four said his wife informed him that a neighbor who has relocated to Germany is the father of their daughter.

“I met Muridia 17 years ago when she was an apprentice. I assisted her financially until she mastered the skill. Thereafter, we started dating and living together. I brought her to Lagos, from Otu Village, Oyo State, to set up a business for her.

We are blessed with four children, a daughter and three sons – aged 14, 8 and 4 years and three months respectively.
Initially, things went smoothly in the family while I was working as a truck operator. At a point, I lost that job. I started riding a motorcycle in order to put food on the table.

Recently, I noticed that my wife started behaving strangely. I kept calm to allow peace reign until she brought a Tecno-5 Phone home. When I asked where she got it from, she gave a flimsy reason. I also noticed she had been communicating with a man whose identity I did not know. I had to seize the phone.

About a month ago, she woke me up at midnight and told me that I was not the biological father of our 14-year-old daughter. She said her former boyfriend who lives in Germany is the biological father of the child. You won’t believe that this same man and I were once neighbors before he travelled abroad.

I fainted out of shock and disbelief, twice. It was neighbours that resuscitated me. What baffled me was that the man she claimed to be the biological father is a relative and an old friend of mine. His father has two wives, one of them is my aunt.

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