I Deserve To Be Listed In Guinness World Records for my reforms since assuming office on May 29, 2023 – Bola Ahmed Tinubu

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At the 10th German-Nigerian Business Forum in Berlin, Germany, President Bola Tinubu bluntly declared that he deserves to be listed in the Guinness World Records for the reforms he has made since assuming office on May 29, 2023.

Tinubu stated that during his time as governor of Lagos State between 1999 and 2007, he moved the state from zero to becoming the fifth largest economy on the continent, adding that his track record prepared him for the presidency.

His words: “For those who fear various obstacles, look at me; I come from the private sector, and I’m one of you, trained by Deloitte. I served as the treasurer of Exxon Mobil. Define corporate governance in any way, and I am in it.

“I governed Lagos for eight consecutive years. Today, I can proudly beat my chest that Lagos State is on the horizon and the fifth-largest economy in Africa, rising from zero. This is the track record that led me to the office of president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“Nigeria voted for me for reforms, and from day one of my inauguration, I started the reforms. To me, if you didn’t mention me in the Guinness Book of Records, I’d thrive to find a way to insert myself because I did it without expectation, my inaugural speech disclosed what I would do” Tinubu added.

Tinubu’s remarks came after two crucial agreements between Nigerian and German companies were signed in Berlin on Tuesday.

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