I Can Never Be A Stooge To Anybody – Prof. Uche Ikonne

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“Anybody claiming the governor appointed me to be a surrogate is abusing my academic capacity. Governor Ikpeazu only encouraged my candidacy, because he wants his successor to be someone who has character and a proven track record of integrity and competence, someone who he can be proud of”

“It’s all about a question of character, I am here to defend the integrity of academia all over the world, at my level of accomplishments and age, having served in national and international committees it is insulting and needless propaganda to imagine that I will be a stooge to anybody, everybody who came out to vie for governor must have been encouraged by either political friends or business associates if Governor Ikpeazu is looking for a stooge he would have chosen one of his aides to take over from him as governor, not a professor of international repute and a former vice-chancellor” – Prof Uche Ikonne

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