*FENRAD Threatens Legal Suit Against Inspector General of Police Over Gloria Okolie* Posted by News Mirror, August 25, 2021

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Foundation for Environmental Rights Advocacy and Development, FENRAD an Environmental,Human Rights & pro-democracy Advocacy group, having seen and studied the litany of releases – including that from the police force itself – on the continued detention (for over 69 days now) of Gloria Okolie, who was accused of working hand in glove with members of the proscribed want-away IPOB condemns outright such unlawful detention which has no basis in our extant laws and constitution.

Having followed for some time this detention where nobody (including her lawyers) has had access to Gloria, FENRAD will do everything to ensure justice follows including filing a suit against the Nigeria Police over this matter. It beggars belief that Gloria Okolie – whom sources said is being detained on the grounds of being a friend of one of the separatist group’s members, for allegedly furnishing the group with information and so on – is being held for intelligence or any investigation. What type of investigation, FENRAD seeks to know, is that in which a person is detained over sixty days!

There is no legal justification for such illegal detention given the contemplation, interpretation and presumption of all extant laws in Nigeria including her constitution. The question becomes: from where is the police deriving its power to so detain an indigent citizen?

Many worrisome details – about Gloria being subjected to slavery conditions and torture – are making the rounds, even those from reliable sources and the grapevine. FENRAD is keenly observing and willing to go the extra mile in exploring all legal alternatives to see that justice is done, and that if found guilty Gloria Okolie be made to face the law.

It is totally amateurish, FENRAD says, that in a world where scientific, forensic and polished investigation has become the order of the day, Nigeria Police still deploys the most crude investigative method.

The rights – to freedom of movement, association, to fair hearing and freedom from degrading and illegal torture – of Gloria Okolie, it should be known, are being trampled upon by state agents and actors this long detention given. We will not fold our arms and let this happen to any Nigerian regardless of their station in life.

Better Gloria Okolie is by a court of the land found guilty than the police being a judge in its own case as is happening now. FENRAD condemns this in its entirety and will stop at nothing in enforcing the rights of Gloria and if same have been violated will seek redress.

While we keep following through as a rights group, we only wish to expressly tell the IG and the Owerri command where Gloria has been a resident that fourteen (14) days from the release date of this statement, we shall be willing to test the judiciary, the last hope of common and ordinary Nigerians like Gloria Okolie.

Comrade Nelson Nnanna Nwafor
Executive Director
FENRAD Nigeria

Barr. Olusegun Bamgbose
Head legal Team

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