Federal Government Okays Izybest to Produce Fertilizers.

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The Federal Ministry of Agriculture And Rural Development FMARD through her Farm Inputs Support Services Department has officially issued Licenses to The Izybest Integrated Services Nigeria Limited (owners of AGROCARE FERTILIZERS) to produce and market Fertilizers in Nigeria.

This development followed series of painstaking facility tours, inspection of facilities and analysis of products and processes carried out on the companies facilities within the last one year.

Presenting the Certificate of Registration to Chief Amanze Israel, the Chairman of the Izybest group, the director of FISS Mr Kwaito Muhammad represented by the Deputy Director of FISS Mr Buba Ardo, flanked by high ranking officials of the Ministry, congratulated the Izybest group for having remained resilient and consistent with Marketing of quality fertilizers for a very long time and having crowned the company’s efforts with the production and marketing of very high quality fertilizer, the AGROCARE BRAND OF FERTILIZERS which has not only passed laboratory and field trials but has gains high level farmers acceptance in Abia. and neighboring states.

Also speaking the head of Fertilizer unit Mr Sunday Oke challenged Chief Amanze and the Izybest group to maintain high standard in their production and informed farmers and fertilizer marketers that the Federal Task Force on Fertilizer Adulteration will be paying unscheduled visits to illegal fertilizer depot’s with a view to arresting and prosecuting them.

Abia State ministry of Agriculture and Federal Department of Agriculture Abia state have already congratulated the Izybest Group and Agrocare Fertilizers.

In his reaction Chief Amanze thank officers and management of the Ministry of Agriculture especially the Farm Input unit for finding them qualified to be licensed to produce fertilizer and assured the ministry that they will always produce very high quality fertilizers which will be a source of pride to the Ministry, Government of Abia state and farmers in general

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