*Engr Chinedu Onyeizu: Abia South’s Divine Alternative* The Abia South

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The Abia South senatorial district and her people are currently at a crossroads about who to choose between ‘otapiapia’ and sniper. Fortunately, God has provided a DIVINE alternative and third force in the person of Engr Chinedu Onyeizu.

Though much younger, which in its own is an added advantage, Chinedu Onyeizu has, over the years, acquired lots of experience, exposure and connection across the country and beyond. He has a proven track record of performance which stands him out amongst others.

Our own Harvard and MIT-trained petroleum engineer is the succour Abia South has been praying for and we can’t miss this golden opportunity.

It is time for both the young and the old to queue behind this godsend and make him our senator for onward and accelerated development of Abia South.

Among other sterling professional and managerial qualities, he is a tech savvy and in tune with today’s technology and developmental strategies. He is an asset of inestimable value to Abia South, as he would, no doubt, bring his wealth of experience to bear in the development of Abia South through the instrumentality of legislation.

He has a well packaged plan for Abia South and with him, Abia South will have a fresh start.
#Vote Engr Chinedu Onyeizu for Abia South Senate

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