Chikezie Onwukanjo, thank High Chief Ariekpere, OMA Nma Life Saving and Health Foundation

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An Abia citizen, Mr. Chikezie Josiah Owunkanjo from Umuodechi Nsulu, Amano Autonomous Community, Isialangwa North LGA, Abia state has praised the benevolent spirit of High Chief Dr. Boniface Ifeanyichukwu Ariekpere, CEO, Oma Nma Life Saving and Health Foundation for coming to his rescue by saving the life of his dying wife, Mrs. Chikezie Oluchi Charity.

Mr. Onwukanjo made this known when crew met him at his country home. He revealed that he heard about Oma Nma Life Saving and Health Foundation through a weekly radio programme aired on BCA Radio 88.1 FM, Umuahia called ‘ IZUAGBAKA “and anchored by veteran broadcaster, Mazi Uba Allilionwu

Mr. Onwukanjo said he has been listening to the weekly programme, and heard how the Foundation has been helping a lot of people, and decided to reach out to them, though sceptical at first. He said his wife has been having a serious and blood drying FIBROID case, a sickness he said, has taken a toll on his finances. ” It hasn’t been easy for us to manage the sickness and fend for our family simultaneously”, he told

Also speaking, Mrs. Onwukanjo Charity Oluchi revealed that they decided to approach the organization in the hopes of receiving medical assistance as we heard they have been rendering the same helping hand to others”, she added.

Mr. Onwukanjo continued “, It was after visiting the Oma Nma Foundation office in Umuahia and relating our plight, that we were encouraged to do documentation, which was handled without delay because of my wife’s critical situation at the time. We were immediately moved to one of their affiliated hospitals, where we were received by the Doctor who was already anticipating our arrival”.

According to the Doctor’s examination, my wife was already having a serious case of anaemia, due to bleeding and plans to begin a blood transfusion were already underway before she could be booked for surgery. This blood transfusion would last for days before she could finally undergo the fibroid surgery.

Mr. Onwukanjo was full of praises to High Chief Ariekpere, the Foundation and it’s staff, expressing their grateful for the privilege of saving the life of his wife and giving her hope to live again. He recounted that the health challenge lasted for as long as it did because the expenses on surgery was challenging, but thanked God Almighty that, all it took was one encounter with the Oma Nma Foundation, to be relieved of the burden.

” We can now go about our lives without the sting of this health challenge crippling our standard of living”, he said

Mr. Onwukanjo thanked the Doctor and entire medical team that swung into action at their arrival, even at such short notice. He said he was astonished at the pace at which they sprang into action to give him all the care and attention required.

” There are no words to describe our immense gratitude and appreciation to the CEO, High Chief Boniface Ifeanyi Ariekpere Ajuzie, and the entire team of the Oma Nma Foundation. No one has gone out of their way to extend such a hand of kindness to us before. But this organization, without even knowing who we are, we are very grateful indeed. And we ask that God Almighty bless and reward the Foundation and the entire medical team” Mr. Onwukanjo prayed.

He again, hailed the pragmatic approach of the entire team, from the moment we arrived at the Oma Nma Foundation, we were shown such compassion, after which the Administration Director, Miss Dollaress Ajuzie ensured our documentation was completed and had us taken to the hospital. We were assigned a chaperone from the organization to go along with us and interact with the doctor on our behalf. The entire process leading up to the successful surgery was seamless.

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