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Words may not suffice me to express the pain in my heart.???. Oh! How do I keep back the tears from streaming down ??????! Almighty father, My Lord and my Ebenezer, my hope looks up to You. Help us and See us through this devastating ache!!

I was still in church on that fateful day the 27th of Feb 2022, trying to tidy up with the Pastorate, then this strong instinct to check my phone. Immediately I excused myself and went for my phone. Strangely I have missed 29 calls from 4 close relatives. Ah! my heart skipped a beat. I started pleading the blood of Jesus. Immediately I started returning the calls, first it was my younger cousin. She picked and all I could hear was her intense deep sobs. She couldn’t say a word. Jesus please ! I pleaded still not hearing anything but deep heart thundering sobs. I dropped the call and called my aunt’s friend; She was like “Ndidi you have to come to Eneka now!” Her command was so so strong.

Immediately, I booked a bolt and headed to Eneka from Church. On getting to my father’s house, the crowd of persons I met can not be quantified. People screaming and lamenting. At this point very hot tears gathered my eyes, my heart quivered. Those that recognized me gave way for me to go in. Luckily I met my elder brother; on seeing me , he sqeezed me into his arms pouring his tears on me and gently led me out of the house still not saying a word. At this point, I was completely broken and weeping profusely. Then I camly asked him; Dede who?
Allwell is gone he replied gently too. Then added, Chinonso butchered him.
My tears rolled back in total amazement.??? How? Where? I tried breaking loose from his hold and go back to the house, he held me stronger and pointed to a vehicle surrounded by policemen in front of me and said, “Allwell’s corpse is there, we are about depositing his remains at the morgue.”
I rushed to the Vehicle, the force men tried stopping me, at this point I vehemently insisted then he asked them to allow me. They opened the car and unveiled the corpse.

Ah! What I saw, ?? I doubt if I will ever forget. My brother was brutally slaughtered, knives’ cuts all over, swollen body parts born out of heavy objects used on him: All over him. Sheiii, I screaaaaamed.
How can a wife be this mean, wicked, heartless, brutal, etc. A man that fathered her children,
If Chinonso was tired of the relationship, couldn’t she jst walk away. The story

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