*Umunneochi LGA Chairman Chief Ifeanyi Madu Gets 2021 National Award For Good Leadership.* [ Watch Video

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The Executive Chairman, Umunneochi Local Government Council, Hon. Chief Ifeany Madu, will be honoured as one of the best performing Local Government Chairmen in Nigeria as he has emerged the winner of the 21st Nigerian Local Government Chairmen Merit Award (LOGMA 2022).

Chief Madu was nominated by members of the public for the category of best performance in local government administration in Nigeria and was massively voted for to emerge as one of the winners of the esteemed award in the area of Infrastructural Development.

Chief Madu had within his period in office as an executive chairman undertaken the construction of (1). Eight (8) ultra-modern plazas for manufacturers & importers (2) Construction of Eziama Nneato Modern Secondary school. (3) Development & expansion of Eke Eziama to Ultra-modern market with 300 modern lockup shops
(4) Furnishing and Equipping of Umunneochi Council Legislative Chambers (5. Registration of over 100 pupils in Umunneochi for 2021/2022 federal Unity Schools Entrance Examinations.
(6). Architectural setup & building of Eke Eziama Modern motor, Keke and okada park with shops, & conveniences.

(7). Ongoing parameter fencing of FOB military base at Lomara Isuochi. (8). Clearing of a landslide at Leru/Ndawa road Umunneochi LGA. (9). Beautification of Umunneochi LGA council (10). Rural Electrification (11). Reconstruction of Eziama Town Hall

(12). Construction of a security tower & leveling of a 15ft hill being used by criminals as cover at Lomara/Nneato road around Spiritan university Umunneochi LGA.

These are some of the projects that Chief Ifeanyi Madu has undertaken during his time in office, while some have been completed others are still in different stages of completion.

In a letter published by the organizers of the award event, they praised Chief Madu for his uncommon achievements in office given the financial and security challenges being experienced by his council, the letter reads “the panel of Judges and Nomination Committee of Nigerian Local Government Chairmen Merit Award (LOGMA) has unanimously chosen you as one of the worthy recipients of the esteemed award for 2022.

You have successfully passed through the various performance assessment stages; verification of reports from our field officers, and public opinion poll, in response to our Call for Nomination on radio, television, and national dailies. All these records proved that you have made exceptional and outstanding contributions to grassroots development.

Your commitment to service delivery and high sense of accountability, despite dwindling financial resources and security challenges in your Local Government Area is commendable.

You have demonstrated responsible and accountable political leadership that has made a positive impact on the lives of ordinary people in your local government and Nigeria in general. Particularly, your outstanding achievement in the area of INFRASTRUCTURAL DELIVERY.

This award is therefore packaged to celebrate excellence and enhance your present and future political endeavours.”

Accordingly, the Executive Chairman of Umunneochi Local Government Council, Chief Ifeanyi Madu has appreciated everyone who voted for him to emerge as one of the winners of the National Award and pledged his commitment to continue to do his best at every given time to the benefit of indigenes and residents of Umunneochi.


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