Tears – Young Aba Diocesan Seminarian, Sampson Alaeto dies as a result of lightening.

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Abia Catholic Diocese has been thrown into morning following the death of a Young seminarian Sampson Alaeto.

Rex Communications announced the sudden demise of late Alaeto

The sleep of Death

Ululations! Heartfelt wrenching and shouts. Hearts broken. Questions asked. Event unanticipated. We walked and worked with him in the morning. Now he sleeps. Never to be woken again unless by the trumpet of parousia.

Death smells. Oblivion has a peculiar taste. It is bland. It is uninteresting. It is insipid. We smell it as the lifeless body lies supine, unbothered but in perfect obedience to rigor Mortis. We taste it as the living wails in the brokenness of helplessness and the emptiness of loss incurred.

The boy has died! Like the biblical Sampson, the pillars of death has fallen on him. The ‘light’ from heaven has taken him. He sleeps forever, in the ‘peace of God’. Never again to be heard. What he has desired to be, gone. But he arrives the gate of the Great Beyond, a hero, who was called at his duty post, shepherding the flock in his care. A soldier! He now sleeps, the beautiful sleep of death.

In memory of Alaeto Sampson
Aba Diocesan Seminarian
Taken by Lightning from above!
11th May, 2024.

©️ chibuikekezie_phoenix

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