ROYAL TRADITIONAL WEDDING: Accommodate The Spirit of Mutual Tolerance in Your Marriage – High Chief Ariekpere advise couple

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High Chief Dr. Boniface Ifeanyi Ariekpere, a.k.a Onye Eze La Spain, has advised couples to avoid third party, gossip, anger, amongst others in their union, rather they should at all times imbibe the spirit of mutual tolerance.

Onye Eze La Spain who spoke with newsmen in Umuahia on Saturday, 15th June, 2024 during the Solemnization of Holy Matrimony and Royal Trading wedding of his Daughter, Dollaress Aghaerichi Ajuzie and John Ariwa, held at Christ Embassy Church, Library Avenue Umuahia, followed by a traditional marriage ceremony, both Abia State, stated that it is not always rosy living together as husband and wife.

He charged the daughter, Dollaress to be submissive in her union, stressing that he gave her sound upbringing and prepared her for the union called, “marriage”.

He revealed that before now, he had constantly advised his daughter that in marriage, there is need to shun gossip, uncontrollable talks, allowing third party influence, as well as not understanding when your spouse needs to be left alone.

High Chief Ariekpere, who reminded the couple to understand that marriage is like a parcel, whatever is inside, you live with, enjoined them to tolerate each other despite the differences they might encounter at the early stages of their union, emphasizing that marriage is not always rosy but the challenges can be overcame with mutual respect, sinçe and open communication, care, attention and prayers.

In his words, “It is important that both of them understand that marriage is like a parcel, anything you see while opening it, you take. I have trained my daughter, given her the best, I didn’t pamper her for one day, no matter the situation”.

Onye Eze La Spain who affirmed the Biblical saying that, ” He who finds a wife finds favour and obtaineth mercy from God”, said the Groom, John is like a son to him, whom during their various interactions is proven to be humble, respectful, calm in spirit, has a matured mind among others, praying God to bless their union and give them the understanding to tolerate one another.

He expressed hope that his daughter, Dollaress, having been well tutored, will not drag the name of the family in the mud in her union.

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