Popular Pastor arrested, after married woman she sleeps with became seriously ill and on sick bed

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A popular man of God, with New Glory Revival Church in Delta state, identified as Pastor Asowata, has been arrested by security operatives after he slept with a married woman who is also the Choir mistress of his church.

His arrest followed a tip- off by eagle eye members of the church who have been suspecting their movement and eye contacts

During interrogation by the operatives, the pastor revealed he had slept with the woman identified as Mrs Patience Anufar just twice

However, trouble started when the woman fell ill, and no medication worked and some members of the church volunteered information on their suspicion and leaked the information to her husband.

A source quoted in the report said: “The woman fell ill and started losing weight seriously with no drugs working for her.

When her husband queried her, “She had no option than to confess to the husband that she has been sleeping with the Pastor.”

The children are also instrumentalists in the church, where all of them worship.

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