Pictures emerge as popular gospel musician, Evang. Paul Nwokocha Weds new wife (video)

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While reactions continued to thrill the pre-wedding pictures of Abia born popular Evangelist and gospel singer, Paul Nwokocha that was trending in the social Media few weeks back, the Aba based, Abiriba, Abia state born singer has finally tied the knots with his new wife

The traditional and white wedding took place on 16th day of September 2023.

Guests were lavishly entertained in the residence of Evangelist Paul Nwokocha at Agboji,Abiriba Ohafia LGA in Abia State

Recall that the popular gospel singer before now, was married to Mrs Alice Nwokocha and the marriage produced children but till the time of filling this report, nobody knows why and when the once celebrated marriage with Alice went sour.




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