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Just like the outcome of every dynamic activity elsewhere with potentials of pleasant and unpleasant outcomes, our political experience in recent times seems to be an unpleasant one and reasons abound for its unpleasantness.

The custodians of our political affairs simply abandoned their core obligations to the people and went on eccentric, elitist and obnoxiously unpopulist pursuits to the detriment of our collective aspirations. The stage for self destruction and implosion was set albeit unwittingly with unnecessary and bizarre practices of elevating Leaders/stakeholders above the common interest. Through this practice, leaders and stakeholders who were self serving became the eyes through which the party appraises situations on ground which pitched them against the people as such leaders lacked the altrusm to commit themselves to the welfare of the masses. Having decried this posturing for a long time, the people revolted in a civil manner by pitching their tents with the next viable alternative that offered a veneer of hope.

Dr Alex Chioma Otti
Dr Alex Chioma Otti

Peter Obi’s movement coincided with the doggedness and never-die spirit of Dr. Alex Otti, and the result is history. I do sincerely hope that His Excellency has become a good student of the political history and evolution of our people not to allow himself fall prey of this banana peel. And His Excellency should strive to move away from such shenanigans, rhetorics that were the hallmarks of the former admistration and deliver by a higher threshold on his campaign promises. Evidences of this will speak louder for him than any media orchestrations. For instance, the case of the finances of the local government.

In the contemplation of the makers of the constitution, calls for a clear and unambiguous devolution of fiscal responsibilities to LGAs to manage her finances. Much as this is cherished, there seems to be a very disturbing trend especially at the LGA levels when it comes to the appropriation of their finances. Political parties remain divided during election times with regards to the impunity in the management of LGA resources by incumbent administrations and use it as technical points during the campaigns to oust the opposition parties, but when they succeed, they continue to fall prey to such acts. I see in all of my political experience, just one area of synergy amongst all parties irrespective of ideological leanings and that is usually in the area that offers them fiscal advantages such as the appropriation/misappropriation of local government funds among other things.

Luckily, we have a Governor I am innately convinced is not part of this imbroglio much so as we have MAYORS whose pedigree cannot accommodate such pratices ceteris paribus. We expect that the MAYORS are receiving full compliments of LG allocations in line with the Governor’s mantra of transparency. We conclude this way because, none of them has ever complained of not receiving due allocations which runs in 100s of millions from the federation account as at when due. This is the beauty of democracy and the sole reason Abians voted Governor Otti. This will timely reduce attraction and tension at the state level and make LGs more attractive. Furthermore, I want to thank the Executive Governor personally for proving to be a true Abian of Ngwa extraction. For the many loudable plans and policies enunciated for the Ngwa area, nothing more is needed to testify to that. May God bless him as he delivers on his promises. Amen.

Sir. Emeka Achilefu is a PDD stalwart from Mbutu.

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