No President in the history of Nigeria has done what President Buhari did, and is still doing to South East —Senator Orji Uzor Kalu

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“Our health care system has suffered depreciation and deterioration over the years, affecting standard of living, and leading to loss of lives”.

“One of the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic was the revelation and focus on our decrepit health care system- that a project like this seems to begin to address”.

“You have proven that infrastructural development is a key concern of your government as it would have an impact on improving social welfare in the state.

“We, therefore, applaud and appreciate Your Excellency for this visionary project and for choosing Abia as a pilot state.

“It is our earnest expectation that the era of medical tourism for our people in the South-East shall soon be viewed from the rearview mirror of history in this Presidency of President Mohammed Buhari with milestone projects like this.

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