NEW ABIA INDEED: Alex Otti Government Of The ‘AROnised’ Private Sector, For The Banker By The Ex Bankers

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The above definition of democracy aptly describes the Abia version of democracy; which is a government dominated by ARO-ancestral descendants and elitist bankers, based on the current composition of the State Executive Council and other sundry hirings as constituted by the Governor.

*What could have been the reason/s that had influenced such disproportionate appointment of those with Aro-ancestry into the Exco?. The Secretary to State government with more than two (2), some argue, they are about five (5) other Commissioners that are Arochukwu LGA or of Aro-ancestors.

*Trust is one of the most basic requirements every leader most endeavour to develop within the shortest period in a work environment. It’s deficiency is always calamitous.

* Cynics suffer from trust deficiency, they are incurable fault finders, who love to boss others. They do not take advise from others, especially when they consider them as mere subordinates; ultimately, Cynics do not make good leaders in a true democracy unless, it is the elite styled democracies. Cynics harbour erroneous belief that everybody is selfish and motivated by self-interest.

*The immediate past President of Nigeria is a known cynic, who didn’t hide his lack of trust for people but referred to work with those he has known over the years. He ultimately failed as a President due to cynism, even with a very high rating of being incorruptible.

*Another Buhari pattern is developing in Abia State which has all the hallmarks of a cynic. The Governor of Abia State could best be described in the same mould with the former President of Nigeria, General Buhari in terms of appointment of only those known to him. It is on record that the former President said he can only appoint those he knew before becoming the president, he didn’t fail this particular promise despite failing on all other promises.

*As an extreme cynic, who is hardened and In-keeping with the promise, President Buhari flooded his council with those he knew; analogue old men who were bereft of modern ideas and current solutions. Little wonder, Buhari’s days as the country’s President is presently regarded as the worst period in Nigeria’s development.

*Dr Otti is also trailing same pattern of cynical trust issues with people. So far, he is proving that he can never entrust any responsibility to anyone, unless there existed some form of relationship in the past.

*Cynics find it difficult trusting others, thus; it does not matter how valuable you are to them. The only ticket for acceptance by cynics is to have been in contact with them at least once in time past.

*Dr. Alex Otti’s pattern is gradually evolving as he is mainly tapping into his government those who worked in the bank with him or politically supported him, way back in 2015 or those who share same ancestral home or from the private sector.

*The wait will be long for those who recently joined as latter saints. If you are among those who joined Alex Otti’s Labour Party few days or months to the general elections, then forget it; as no matter how valuable you are and how hard you believed you functioned, you will never be fully trusted to be fully integrated.

*Invariably, the implication in todays Abia is such that, no matter how good you are even from diaspora, you can never get a nod unless you have worked with or established a close relationship with the Governor long before this period. Regrettably, the Governor forgets that, politics is a game of numbers. Players in the field of politics and technocrats are mixed to achieve the best functional blend.

*Extreme Cynics do not look beyond their inner knitted circle, but even Buhari at a time relied on referrals from his close aides like late Abba Kyri. Conversely, none of such is happening in today’s Abia. A random check of the appiontments so far, is very revealing in this regard.

*A critical work background analysis of the Commissioners list and initial list of Special advisers, reveals that Gov. Alex Oti personally approved and appointed a chunk. Apart from the same ancestral roots, there is an overwhelming majority who has worked in the banking sector and organised private sector.

*The deduction from this same Buhari’s cynic pattern is obvious lack of trust even with his admirers and followers who may have felt entitled due to their input and are deserving to be allowed to recommend one person or the other but to no avail.

*A sneak-peek into the Governor’s high profile appointments made thus far, will most properly situate my observation of a pattern.

*The current Account General, Mrs Njum Onyemenam, from the insurance industry, one time Chief financial officer of Zenith Insurance NG. Private sector pick, known for long.

*Mike Akpara (ARO-OKIGBO), Commissioner for finance. A banker who followed Otti from First bank to then Diamond bank and rose to regional manager of the bank. He was until his current appointment, Otti’s SA on domestic matters. Private sector pick, from Arochukwu.

*The Commissioner for health, Dr. Ngozi Okoronkwo, was a staff of Zenith Insurance NG. Private sector pick, known to the Governor long before now.

*The Asepa Chairman, Ogbonna Okekere was Otti’s staff and close subordinate while the Governor was at the bank. Private sector pick.

*The Commissioner for Petroleum, Prof. Joel Friday Ogbonna was the Centre Leader for the World Bank Africa Centre of Excellence in Oil Field Chemicals Research. Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Port Harcourt. Worked with Halliburton. Private sector pick.

*The current Attorney General, Ikechukwu Uwanna, who is also coming from the private sector practiced Law and Taxation with Serenity Legal Union and Partners, Port Harcourt. Was NBA President in Lagos State.

*The chief of staff, Caleb Ajagba worked in the maritime industry. Was chief executive officer/Head strategic Governance at candilife International. Another private sector pick.

*The Commissioner for information, Prince Okey Kanu was also a banker as he worked in corporate communications unit of one of the banks .

*The CPS, Kazie Ukoh is also from family of bankers with spouse a top banker. Kazie worked with Guardian and DailyTimes Newspapers and later; the editor/publisher of Reliable Source Nigeria.

*Commissioner for works, Engr. Don Otumchere Oti (ARO-OKIGBO). He hails from same community with Dr. Alex Otti, not from Isialangwa South but his ancestral home in Arochukwu.

*Though this sneak-peek is not exhaustive but
the pattern is already established with those already mentioned.

*The million dollar question now is, where are all those labour party gladiators? Where is the party’s input?

*Public sector and Politics cannot be reduced to banking and bankers who till date in Nigeria history have not made good leaders.

@Eric Dwyse Ikwuagwu
Oracle of native sense.

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