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Dorathy Onwuka Under-21 Female Competition came to an end today as the Flamengos of Ndiolumbe lifted the trophy.

The fight for who becomes champions of the Maiden Dorathy Onwuka Under-21 Female Competition took place at the Dynamic playground in Ndiolumbe Nvosi Autonomous Community between the Flamengos of Ndiolumbe and Dynamics of Ndiolumbe which Flamengos beat Dynamics two goals to nil.

The Maiden Competition was undoubtedly one of its kind in the history of Ngwa land and Abia at large. It was such a unique competition as young female footballers were given the opportunity to showcase their talents and a platform to be discovered.

The sponsor of the competition, Mrs. Dorathy Onwuka is a unique mother, a football lover and the wife of Engr. Okey Onwuka who has been hosting series of male football competitions and bringing in scouts to fish out players who are doing very well. According to Engr. Onwuka and his wife, they see the competitions they are hosting as their own way of contributing to youth empowerment and social development. “Through these tournaments, we want to achieve Talent Hunt, Talent Discovery, Showcasing and Harvesting of Talents, Promoting Gender Equality, Giving Youths The Opportunity To Be Discovered, Youth Empowerment Through Awards and using Sports To Unify Our People. We are just getting started, we are going to do more and we are looking at hosting competitions for different levels, ranging from U-10 to adult team (Male & Female). ~~ Engr. Onwuka.

Flamengo FC, the winners of the tournament went home with #1,000,000.

Dynamic FC, the team that came second went home with #500,000

While Chibuikem FC of Umuada which came 3rd in the competition went home with #300,000.

The chairman of the committee, Mr. Chidoo gave vote of thank you and urge the donor to continue the good works.

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