Ndiegoro Police Station Aba Division petitioned over intimidation and extortionist actions

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A Citizen, has petitioned Abia CP on notorious policing going – on at Ndiegoro Police Division. Chief Emeka Emenyeonu, has sent the petition to the Commissioner of Police in Abia State, CP Kenechukwu Onwuemelie over the intimidation and extortionist actions of the police authorities at the Ndiegoro Police Division, Aba. Emenyeonu pleaded with CP Onwuemelie to urge the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge at Ndiegoro and one Inspector Oscar to respect the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which has human rights enshrined in it while discharging their lawful duties. In the petition which copied the Aba Federated Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Emenyeonu explained how the police are currently detaining one Miss Ebere Emeh, his younger sister over a fight she had with her neighbour identified as Oyidiya at No 112 St. Michael’s Road, Aba. According to the petition, Emenyeonu said that Oyidiya boasted to make life unbearable for Miss Emeh, citing her connection with a top police officer at Ndiegoro Police Division and stressed that the boast is being fulfilled as the police authorities in Ndiegoro are currently helping to punish Miss Emeh to the pleasure of her neighbour. Narrating the story, Emenyeonu said that Miss Emeh had a fight with Oyidiya and in the process, both bit each other.

However, Miss Emeh’s younger sister, Miss Tessy Emeh was stabbed with a kitchen knife by Oyidiya who quickly invited police officers from Ndiegoro Police Division to detain Miss Emeh. Emenyeonu said that from Monday morning when the fight took place till the evening, Miss Emeh remained in the police cell, as Ndiegoro Police Division allowed Oyidiya who stabbed Emeh to walk freely while Mrs Emeh was in detention with the help of the DPO and the Investigation Police Officer (IPO) simply identified as Inspector Oscar who both insisted he must pay N30,000 for bail. Abia State Commissioner of Police, CP Kenechukwu Onwuemelie On Tuesday evening when the petition got to the desk of the NUJ, our correspondent inquired about the current situation and Emenyeonu explained that Mrs Ebere Emeh was still in detention without food and water, as the police authorities at the Ndiegoro Police Division denied her access to her family members stressing that they must provide them with disinfectant and toiletries, a demand Emenyeonu said he is not willing to accept, citing intimidation. In his petition dated November 27 2023 addressed to Abia state Police Commissioner, through the Aba Area Commander, Emenyeonu, lamented that the continued refusal of the police in Ndiegoro to allow medical attention to be extended to Miss Emeh, who is injured has placed her life in danger. “The fact of the matter is that my younger sister by name Miss Ebere Emeh and her flatmate one Oyidiya, had a misunderstanding, which resulted in a case of two fighting.

“In the course of the fighting, another of my sisters, Miss Tessy Emeh, who was trying to make peace between the two warring parties was however stabbed by Onyidiya, inflicting in the process heavy bodily injury on her. “In keeping with her earlier promise that her police friends would deal with my sister Ebere, the said Oyiridiya went ahead to contact the police, which apart from arresting and detaining my sisters, including the injured person and allowed the said Oyidiya to be walking freely. “To make matters worse, the IPO and the DPO of Ndiegero Police Division have continued to insist on being given the sum of N30,000 before granting them bail,” he stated He therefore called on the commissioner of Police in the state to wade in to ensure that justice prevails, stressing that Nigerians expect that the rule of law should not be found wanting within a police station. The Ndiegoro Police Division is known for its brutality and notorious ways of handling issues and has over the years been a huge problem to residents who keep talking about the wrong policing going on there. Indigenous Aba People


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