My dictum is “Participatory Governance, where all will be part of my government – Prof. Ikonne

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Prof. Uche Eleazer Ikonne, the PDP Frontline Abia Governorship Candidate has dismissed the insinuations making the rounds that he will be a surrogate of Governor Okezie Ikpeazu if he finally emerges the Governor next year.

The erudite Professor stated this on Wednesday, while interacting with members of the Abia Online Media Practitioners at his office in Umuahia, code named ” Work Station “. He said such insinuations do not arise, but appreciates the fact that he was encouraged by Governor Ikpeazu likewise every other candidate to contribute his quota to the development of Abia based on his cognate experience as a seasoned administrator with high moral ethical standards and his quality leadership.

Prof. Ikonne insist that his outstanding performances in positions held as the Acting Rector of Abia Polytechnic Aba, and later as the Vice Chancellor Abia State University, Uturu are key behind his decision to run for the Abia number one seat.

He said ” I have the requisite know-how to galvanize all Abians and bring development across the state”.

The academia maintained that his age and what he stands for, is about integrity, giving a lease of life to all Abians, stressing that he is coming with huge ideas on how to take Abia to the next level of development.

Prof. Ikonne, said he has developed a dictum, “Participatory Governance”, which will ensure that all Abians are carried along in the governance of the State, saying governance is not for few individuals to decide what happens in a State.

He said the participatory governance will be driven in the hinterlands by community development agencies as it will also make use of opinion leaders among others, to run an all inclusive government, adding that the idea is to avoid political apathy.

The PDP Governorship Candidate who spoke on a wide spectrum of issues, said he is convinced Abia cannot be primitive after he has become the Governor as he will place the state on global. He said, he has entered into negotiations with individuals leading key companies to extend such to Abia State.

On plans for Abia youths, Prof. Ikonne hinted that he has already decided that if he emerges Governor, 40 percent of his exco will be reserved for the youth promising to send them for leadership capacity building abroad to acquire experience in leadership.

He also stated that if elected Governor, he will develop an ICT centre, bring in people to train Abians while youths will be given opportunities in the ICT centre after passing their tests.

Prof. Ikonne revealed plans to rebuild a new Ariaria of International standard, insisting that some of the equipment have been destroyed due to excessive flooding and the soil composition of Aba.

He further revealed his plans for Aba pointing out that he will revive moribund companies, come up with Aba Development Commission which will have it’s own power of transportation to generate revenue, collect taxes among others, adding that Aba is critical to the development of Ala Igbo.

The academia also revealed plans to set up recreational centres, come up with robust activity for the youth, offset arrears of pensions cum backlog of workers and teachers salaries just as he stated that he will unify all Abians if elected.

Chairman Abia Media Online Practitioners ( OMPAN), Chief Paddy Anyatonwu, appreciated the erudite Prof. for reeling out his plans for Abians in 2023 general elections and wished him well.

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