Meet Six African Strong Men who annexed power by force from the civilian rule

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Currently, Africa has six strong men who annexed power by force from civilian rule.

An interesting fact is that five out of the six military rulers are below 50 years old.

I present to you the military-strong men of Africa.

1. Burkina Faso (since January 2022). The nation is under the leadership of 34-year-old Ibrahim Traoré.

2. Chad (since April 2021) Mahamat Idriss Déby is currently the leader of the country.

3. Guinea (since September 2021) Another French-speaking nation located in the sub-region of West Africa.

A 43-year-old military junta, Mamady Doumbouya, is currently the country’s leader.

4. Mali (since August 2020) Mali becomes the third West African nation on this list and the fourth French colony. The 42-year-old Assimi Goïta is the military head and supreme leader of Mali.

5. Niger (since July 2023)
President Mohamed Bazoum has been displaced by the head of the President’s Guard, General Abdourahamane Tchiani.

6. Sudan (since October 2021) Sundan is a Northern African nation with over 45.66 million.

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan is currently the leader of the people of Sudan.

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