Marginalization: Ikwuano LGA Youth Rises In Anger Against Gov. Alex Otti Administration, give reasons

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The youths of Ikwuano Local Government Area, Abia state have frowned at what they call, marginalization of the Local Government Area by Gov. Alex Otti led administrwtion in the state.

Rising from a meeting, the youths lamented that Governor Alex Otti has marginalized Ikwuano LGA’, in his distribution of political appointments, even the crumbs have not been extended to their LGA, despite their support, the group said.

The group argued that, series of appointments made by Otti,.apart from the statutory commissioner portfolio, Ikwuano LGA has been abandoned, relegated and neglected.

The group under the aegis of ” Concerned Ikwuano Indigenes ” has therefore, written an open letter to Gov. Otti, titled: “Marginalization of Ikwuano LGA: Open Letter to Governor Alex Otti OFR”

The youths are of the opinion that the massive goodwill in Ikwuano to Gov. Otti may have been misplaced as the government or the day seem not to have a reward system that has mass appeal and accomodating.

They argued that Ikwuano LGA has highly skilled and qualified individuals with exceptional character that are capable of contributing to the progress and development of Abia State.

The full letter reads:

September 27, 2023 .

His Excellency
Dr. Alex Chioma Otti OFR
Abia State Governor
Government House

Marginalization of Ikwuano LGA

It is with great respect for your office that we, Concerned Ikwuano Indigenes, write you with deep concern and heavy hearts regarding the marginalization of Ikwuano Local Government Area in the appointments made by your administration from inception till date.

2. Ikwuano LGA— known as the food basket of Abia State— has always believed in the potential of God’s Own State under good governance characterized by equity, inclusiveness, and the rule of law, and has made several contributions and sacrifices to the growth and progress of the state. Also, the good people of Ikwuano L.G.A have always believed that you are a representation of these qualities of good governance, which they proved by showing you immense support throughout your journey to govern our beloved state. This we did, having in mind the myriads of challenges facing Ikwuano and Abia State in general.

3. You told us to “weep no more”, and that “help is on the way”, and we have always taken pride in our role in midwifing this administration. So, we believe that you must have our interest at heart.

4. However, recent developments have left us disenchanted and disheartened. After series of appointments made by your administration, apart from the statutory commissioner portfolio, Ikwuano LGA has been severely neglected. This conspicuous omission has left our people feeling isolated and marginalized, despite our unwavering support for your administration. This trend also raises concerns about our voice being heard and our interests being considered in your administration.

5. Your Excellency, given the high hopes of the good people of Ikwuano in your abilities, and yourself having enjoyed massive goodwill in Ikwuano, we do not want to believe that you harbour an unfavorable disposition towards our people.

6. We understand the complexities of governance and the importance of making appointments based on merit and competence.Nevertheless, we are confident that our Local Government Area possesses highly skilled and qualified individuals with exceptional character who are more than capable of contributing to the progress and development of the new Abia State, in line with your vision of placing the state in the proper growth trajectory, and restoring her glory days as God’s Own State.

7. We kindly request that you take our concerns into serious consideration, review your recent appointments, and consider appointing qualified Ikwuano indigenes into your cabinet. By so doing, you would not only demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity and fairness—which we believe will also reflect in the allocation of resources and infrastructural development—but also rekindle the trust that the good people of Ikwuano have placed in you.

8. We believe that inclusivity and diversity in your administration will not only be fair but also strengthen the unity of our dear state and engender multiplicity of ideas that drive sustained growth and progress.

9. We hope that this letter serves as a constructive reminder of the faith we have in your leadership.

10. We would also like to seize this opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the developmental strides that your administration has achieved since you came on board, while earnestly hoping that this wind of positive change will blow our way in Ikwuano. In this regard, we implore you to directly engage the good people of Ikwuano so that you can get a firsthand understanding of our challenges and aspirations.

11. While reiterating our steadfast support for you, we anticipate a positive response and envision a more promising future for Ikwuano LGA and Abia State in general.

12. Thank you, Your Excellency.

Signed, for Concerned Ikwuano Indigenes:

Nnaemeka Oruh
Nnamdi Aruocha
Chukwuemeka Nwabeke
Cokey Lordson Nwachukwu
Henry Ugwunna
Ugochukwu Uzuegbu
Charles Obi Adiezeh
Rita Nnanna

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