JUSTICE FOR NKEMJIKA NWOGU: Hon. Ginger Onwusibe calls for investigation leading to the killing of his constituent by men of Nigeria Navy in Abia

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The Honourable Member representing Isiala Ngwa North and South Federal Constituency and the Chairman House Committee on Financial Crimes, Hon. Ginger Onwusibe has moved a motion for the urgent investigation of the unprovoked fatal shooting of Mr. Nkemjika Nwogu on February 15, by personnel of the Nigerian Navy at Umunkpeyi, Nbawsi in Isiala Ngwa North Local Government Area of Abia State.

Hon. Onwusibe decried the rate of extrajudicial killings by Nigerian Security Agencies which is obviously against the Nigerian law, the regional and international Human Rights and Humanitarian Treaty Laws, particularly the international rule of engagement guiding peacetime and conflict situation security operations.

He also pointed out that the rate of extrajudicial killing by the Nigerian Military particularly in Abia State is so alarming. He stated that not withstanding the several interventions and committees set up by the Abia State Government to investigate these killings, the cases of extrajudicial killings and non compliance to the rule of engagement has not abated.

Hon. Ginger Onwusibe stated that the recent killing of Mr. Nkemjika Nwogu and other innocent, unarmed civilians in Abia State by personnel of the Nigerian Armed Forces and the Nigerian Police is one too many in cases of extra-judicial killings across the country and ought to be investigated.

He is concerned, that these spate of killings, if not immediately checked, could lead to anarchy and in turn negatively affect society and cause despondency in the minds of teeming civilian Nigerian masses.

The Nigerian House of Representatives today, condemned very strongly, the killing of Mr. Nkemjika Nwogu and scores of others by men of the Nigerian Navy.
The House also resolved to mandate the House Committees on Navy, Human Rights and Justice to investigate the killing of Nkemjika Nwogu and report back in two weeks.

Also, the House observed a minute of silence in honor of late Nkemjika Nwogu.

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