INNER GALAXY DEATH: Sen Abaribe Demands Justice For Miss Ocheze ….Calls for Thorough Investigation

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Former Senate Minority Leader, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe has called on the authorities particularly the Nigerian police to ensure that whoever was responsible for the alleged murder of Miss Vivian Ocheze Ogbonna is brought to justice.

The Senator who represents Abia South in the Senate in a statement by his Media Adviser Uchenna Awom in Abuja on Thursday, said there are every indication that the circumstances sorrounding the death of Ocheze who is a crane operator in the Inner Galaxy Steel Company , Ukwa West smacks with suspicion.

He therefore urged the police to carry out an indepth investigation, unravel the circumstances of her death and ensure that whoever is complicit in the matter is made to face the full weight of the law.

“I believe, that is the irreducible minimum demanded by the people that could calm the heightened tension in the community”, he said.

Senator Enyi Abaribe

Nonetheless, Senator Abaribe advised the youths, the entire community to remain calm and refrain from taking laws into their hands, while the police who are now in custody of the suspect investigate the matter for onward prosecution.

“I’ve been informed by the police authorities in Umuahia that the alleged prime suspect is in their custody and they assured that justice would be done without delay. I think we should all be calm and await further action from the police. It’s very unfortunate that a promising young girl will die in such questionable circumstance at her work place. It is sad and heart rendering”, Abaribe added.

However, the Senator who promised to keep monitoring the situation on all fronts called out the Inner Galaxy Company to look deep into their labour relations, the alleged excesses of their expatriate staff and make sure that all staff members are adequately protected in their line of duty adding that it is the only way to ensure good community relations going forward.

Senator Abaribe consoled the family of the deceased, the community and all Ukwa West people over the sad incident.

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