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A 2 day training and empowerment of poultry farmers in Abia State being organized by the Federal Department of Agricultural Extension, Federal ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in collaboration with Abia ADP has commenced with a charge on the participants to make good use of the knowledge acquired at the training.

Declaring the training and empowerment workshop open at Abia ADP Headquarters Umuahia, the program manager Abia State Agricultural Development program (ADP) Chief Israel Amanze said the state government is happy with the Federal ministry of Agriculture for all they have been doing for Abia farmers.

Chief Amanze urged the trainees to count themselves lucky to be selected, trained and empowered with starter packs and assured that those who have challenges in brooding will be assisted.

Also speaking, the permanent secretary, Federal ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ernest Umakhihe represented by the state Director, Federal ministry of Agriculture Umuahia Mr. Aloysius Mba said Nigeria remains the largest producer of eggs in Africa and second in Chicken production and charged the trainees to reciprocate by making good use of the knowledge and other inputs that will be given to them

In his remarks, the Director of Extension services, Abia ADP, Pastor Kenneth Kanu advised the Trainees to see themselves as key players in poultry production in the state and thanked Chief Amanze and officials from the Federal ministry of Agriculture for organizing the training.

In an interview, some of the Trainees including Divine Egbu and Chinomso Simeon thanked the organisers for coming to train and empower them and promised to make judicious use of all inputs given to them

Highpoints of the training and empowerment workshop were lectures on Broiler enterprise by Lady Angela Nwosu and the presentation of 100 day old chicks each with one bag of starter feed, medications, water and feeding Troughs to the 30 trainees.

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