Chinedu Onyeizu!! Ndi Abia South, We Can’t Continue Like This

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A few days from now, campaign ban will be lifted and candidates are expected to publicly canvas for votes from the electorate.

As an Igbo adage says, “what is eating the coconut is inside the coconut”.
The people that are behind our nightmares and pains are not strangers living afar, but brothers in quotes living amongst us, feeding on our lives without a second thought.

One of the candidates that is vying for the Abia South Senate is a man that has destroyed the State. Under his watch, families go to bed hungery because of non-payment of salaries. Under his watch, loved ones have died preventable deaths because of non-payment of pensions. Under his watch, the okada riders, keke riders and bus drivers suffer extortion, exploitation, intimidation, and oppression on a daily basis as they go out to fend for their families.
Under his watch, public schools and infrastructures are sold out with the proceeds pocketed or converted to personal use. Under his watch, our institutions, such as schools and hospitals go on strike and lose their accreditations. Under his watch, our major roads are now death trap. Under his watch, men and women who have no identifiable sources of livelihood now spread foreign currencies simply because they are relatives, members of cabal, etc. The list is endless. I ask, shall we continue like this? No! Even the Bible says, ‘a man that failed in a little assignment is not worthy of a higher calling.’

We cannot make this mistake as a people again. First fool is not a fool. Second foolishness is the proper fool.

We must not allow them to intimidate us before, during or after the elections. Soon, they will start petty petty show of hypocrisy to the same people they have neglected in the past seven years and counting.

Abia South ndioma, we have seen the face of the entire Abia State resources under their watch. Are we going to allow them to use us and dump us while other zones in the State flourish? We should know that among the main reasons why they still want to be in power is to cover the successive evils done against the state, and continue to loot the state treasury. This has to stop. Our leaders and representatives must be accountable to us and not to a few individuals that claim state ownership.
Enough is enough.

Engr Chinedu Onyeizu is here to give the good people of Abia South Senatorial District, quality representation and accountable stewardship. A support for Engr Chinedu Onyeizu is a sack letter to these evil men of dead conscience occupying our seat of power through fraudulent means. 2023 will either make us or mar us. We must choose this day who will serve and serve us well.

Support Engr Chinedu Onyeizu the Labour Party candidate for Senate Abia South Senatorial Zone.

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