Breaking – Three Unical students have been allegedly kidnapped in school

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The serene atmosphere of the University of Calabar was shattered last night as news broke of the abduction of three students from their hostel, following sporadic gunshots.

The incident, which occurred around 9 p.m. at Freedom hostel, Staff Quarters, has sent shockwaves through the campus community.

The abducted students have been identified as:

Damilola Dickson: A final year student of the department of Genetics and Biotechnology has been kidnapped in UNICAL.

Ugwu Chukwuemeka: A 300 level student of genetics and biotechnology.

Ojang precious Ebejin : 200 level
Department medicine and surgery

leaving their peers and university staff deeply concerned for their safety and well-being.

At this stage, details surrounding the abduction remain murky, and the motive behind this reprehensible act is yet to be discerned.

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