BREAK UP: Singer Harrysongs wife fires back, reveals very dark disgusting family secrets

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The embattled wife of Nigeria singer, Alexer has broken her silence amid accusation by the husband that she got pregnant for another man under his roof.

While not addressing the controversial issues raised by her husband, Alexer rather added another sour point to the relationship by spilling the beans.

” Do You All Know That Harrysong Bed Wéts? Yes Celebrity Wey Dey Píss For Body, His Mum Had 6 Childr£n From 6 Different Men” – Ex-Wife, Alexer Fires Back At Husband , Harrysong.

She wrote: “Do you all know that Harrysong bed wets? Yes celebrity wey Dey píss for body.Oh so sorry to break it to you all.

“I also get to deal with this daily, while calling him my lord. You said I convinced you to get married to me? A 20 years old girl, convincing a full grown man to get married to her? Please make me understand. Never knew I was married to a robot, Who couldn’t make decisions for himself.”

“I never knew my mum married 6 husbands wow, Chronic Nàrcíssist. My mum only remarried when she løst her husband, as i speak, she is happily married, with her dowry paid in full.”

“Since when did it become a críme for a widow to remarry? And what does the words “till déæth do us part” mean? Paíned soul why are u trying to project your insecurities on me? We all know your mum gave birth to 6 children for 6 dífferent mén. None of which she was married to. And you, a product of iñcést”. she said.

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