Banker Reportedly Šταþš Wιƒε, Kι⌊⌊š Himself After Discovering She’s Dating Politician And Their 8-Month-Old Baby Belongs To The Man

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A banker has stabbed his wife and later committed suicide after a long standing marital dispute.

The incident happened yesterday in Lusaka’s Meanwood area around 16:00 hours.

It is alleged that Mike Ilishebo, aged 44, a former employee of a named bank allegedly strangled his wife Valerie Franco using an electric power adapter cable, and subsequently stabbed her in the stomach with a knife.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said tragically, Mr Ilishebo also took a poisonous substance, resulting in his own demise.

“Upon the arrival of Police Scenes of Crime officers at the scene of crime, Ms Franco’s lifeless body was discovered lying in the bedroom adjacent to the bed, with a knife embedded in her abdomen. Meanwhile, Mr. Ilishebo was found deceased in the sitting room, with evidence of black poisonous substance emanating from his mouth,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga said the motive behind the incident appears to stem from longstanding marital disputes between the couple.

He said the the bodies of couple were transported to the University Teaching Hospital mortuary for further examination through postmortem procedures.

Mr Hamoonga assured the public that a thorough investigation is underway to uncover the truth and ensure that justice is served.

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