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The Abia political dynamics and trajectory present to all political gladiators a new vista of knowledge quite unprecedented. This is to be discerned from the behavioural tendencies of active politicians who have recently stunned researching students and experts both in the fields of practical and theoretical politics.

A new paradigm brought to the fore a completely new set of rules in patterns of actions and reactions which tend to mandate us to behave in subjective ways as the norm. The Abia political scenario presents to political scientists a novel area of further scientific inquiry.

We have today, a less resplendent administration wearied and frustrated from series of propaganda but resorted to copt willing collaborators of the opposition stock to cause collateral damage.

A government stereotyped for falsehood in all of her official publications after suffering defeats on all fronts has elected to use willing tools of the opposition to drive their sinister plots.

Today the trajectory of decampments clearly points to a massive discontentment with the ruling party as people for whatever reason have shown preferences for another party instead of the ruling party in the state. Alot more have shown resilience in the formidable structure of PDP and pledged to vigorously turn around the fortunes of the party as a lesser evil instead of identifying with the demonic superstructure of the opposition labour party. Today, the slogan is: I ll rather resign from active politicking instead of joining labour party. According to them, their labour will not be in vain.

Labour party adjudged as a business enterprise of one man whose life and activities revolve around one person does not present to the people the citadel of hope much anticipated to cause positive change. “The small body wey PDP shake the other day don make people wey don already decamp begin de run from pillar to post”

I have the mandate of the resilient progressives(RP) to tell you most emphatically that the mistakes of yesterday will not be repeated. We have on good authority, your sinister plot with your emperor to claim PDP membership astuteness, a vantage position that entrusts responsibilities into your hands for maximun exploitation and carnage.

Your instruction: remain in the party especially now they are about to conduct congresses, be trusted and then betray the party finally. You want to be acclamied as the person that nailed the political coffin of PDP.

Having embarrassingly failed in your concerted efforts to cause collateral damage to the party via mass decampments, you have activated your plan B which is to pretend to be part of us in order to unleash you unjust plans againts a party that granted you unmerited favour.

To you willing tools and agents of political contretemps, know ye today that such privilege will not come your way as we can clearly see your back at the exit door.

Your recent volte face to curry favour from PDP establishes unambiguously your desperation for power after several failed attempts to collapse the party and points you out as an enemy within.
.The destiny of our party will not be handed over to double-faced elements anywhere in the state. The rebuilding process is not for gullible members. We’re now advocates of character qualifications for those to be entrusted with the affairs of the party, your status notwithstanding.

And like I mentioned in my last publication, the party has activated her internal mechanism of self- cleansing for optimal goals which includes among other things, identifying destructive agents, enemies within and those on evil assignments to undo the party.

Since there are no justifications for your actions against party, especially those of you that have achieved stardom through this same party, we assure you that your evil plots will not see the light of the day.

The party expresses her innate displeasure to all of you who instead of committting resources you got from the party to rebuild same, have chosen rather to antagonise the party.

Today we remind all of you who are gregariously involved in this macabre dance, the concept of providence and retributive justice.


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