ALWAYS WAIT FOR THE TRUE STORY: Thunder Or Lightning Didn’t Kill Fr. Faustinus Gundu

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The Catholic Diocese of Katsina-Ala has been thrown into shambles of sadness, and at the same time into electrifying ecstasy of happiness, because Fr Gundu has gone back to meet his Creator.

It was on Thursday at about 1pm that the rains were threatening, and in his usual way, Fr went out to pick some wears that were spread outside, and in the process slumped, and was taken to St. Anthony’s Hospital Zaki Biam where he gave up the ghost at about 3:25 pm.

The Chancellor of the Diocese Fr Fidelis Akumbul anointed him before his last breath, and Frs Abiem, Ishimanyian, Atibee and Sr Tongove were there. From Jootar where Fr Gundu slumped to St. Anthony’s hospital is a distance of about 30 kilometres on rough road.

Fr Gundu has some health challenges right at the beginning of this year up to a point that he had to withdraw from some public functions from the diocese. He was a member of the Pastoral Team the bishop set up to supervise some Mission territories and make some recommendation to him.

When the team visited my Parish, he was conspicuously absent and as my Dean, I was worried, so after the visit I paid him a visit. It was then that Fr told me how his health was declining. He told me that he went to the hospital and was told that he had excessive protein in his system and the doctor are handling the case. Fr was looking pale, forlorn and haggard.

Since then Fr has been in and out of the hospital. Recently, he got a little better and did a marathon tour his Deanery and after that he went down again.

The death of Fr Faustinus Gundu is not as a result of thunderstorm or lightning. Fr died of a natural sickness that can kill anyone, the rich and the poor alike. The righteous and the unrighteous. Sinners and non Sinners. The old and the young. Priests and the laity.
Let us continue to pray for the repose soul of Fr Fustinus Gundu.

Fr. Mchia Michael
Provincial Chairman

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