Abia Born Philanthropist,Bishop Emeka Nwankpa Splashes Gift Items to Widows. (Pictures and Videos)

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In his annual event, Abia Born Philanthropist and the General Overseer of Chapel of Faith Bible Assembly Bishop Michael Emeka Nwankpa today in his country home Umunkalu Ntigha splashed valuable gift items which includes, Wrappers,Sewing machines, Hair Dryers, Machine Grinders, Hair Washing Machines and bags of Rice In the 18th Edition of Widows must Smile Project Empowerment Program Powered by Bishop Emeka Nwankpa Foundation.

The Renowned Man of God also in the event awarded scholarship to students across several higher institutions of learning, one of the recipients of the scholarship thanked Bishop Nwakpa for his benevolence and magnanimity while praying for God’s protection and blessings upon the Philanthropist pledged their readiness to utilize the opportunity judiciously.

Speaking in the event, Bishop Emeka Nwankpa said he is not using his foundation for politics but as fulfillment of his covenant with his God because of the foundation of his family which he said was in abject penury.He stated that this is the 18th edition of the event.

The Man of God urged all and sundry to keep faith in God, remain dedicated and committed to duty.

The beneficiaries that spoke with our correspondent were appreciative to Bishop Emeka Nwankpa and prayed for God’s continued protection and blessings upon him and his family.


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