ABIA 2023:”You Are Precious To Me”, Ikpeazu Tells YPP Decampees To PDP

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Two days to the polls and less than 24 hours after the Young Progressive Party (YPP) House of Assembly candidate for Obingwa East, Prince Mathew Chilaka, abandoned his legislative candidacy and joined the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), over 100 members of YPP in Obingwa have also joined the PDP.

The former YPP members led by Mr. Mbama Benson from Ward 5 in Obingwa, were received by the Governor of the State Dr Okezie Ikpeazu and the PDP chairman in Obingwa, Hon. Seth Agomuo.

Speaking during their defection to the PDP, Mr. Benson, said they were misled and lied to by the YPP governorship candidate, Mr. Enyinnaya Nwafor.

“We were in PDP before Enyinnaya Nwafor lied to us that you, Governor Ikpeazu, has promised to handover to him. We believed him because, we know he was very close to the Governor. Even after the primary of the PDP, he said we should follow him that the Governor will handover to him. But we have seen events unfold and it has become obvious that we were misled and lied to, so we decided to return to the house, PDP, that we left some months ago. From today, we are no more members of YPP. We have returned home to PDP. We will work and vote PDP 5over5. There are some of us who are still there, they will join us after they must have accomplished their mission there.” Benson said.

Speaking while receiving them at the Obingwa PDP secretariat, Governor Ikpeazu said: “ You are precious to me, that is why I decided to come receive you myself. I would have ask the LGA party Chairman to receive you, but I have to come myself because, even the Bible said that there is joy in heaven over a lost soul that is recovered.

“It is my duty to ensure your comfort under the PDP umbrella as your brother and governor. Those who are yet to come, will also come, we want them to come now, because there is no time. It gives me joy to welcome you, not because you will vote for me, but because we should be on the side of equity and fairness in this business.

“There is no way I will finish as Governor of the state from the old Obioma Ngwa (which is today Obingwa/Osisioma/Ugwunagbo), and support Enyinnaya Nwafor from the same Obioma Ngwa to succeed me. What are we going to tell our brothers from Isialangwa North and South, who supported us to be governor.

“The same way, there is no way Eziuche Ubani will finish eight years in the House of Representatives, from Obingwa, and Solomon Adaelu is finishing eight years in the House of representative from Osisioma, then we deny our brothers and sisters from Ugwunagbo, who are part of Obioma Ngwa, their chance of going to the House of Representatives. That is why those of us in PDP is supporting Chinwe Nwanganga from Ugwunagbo. We don’t know what the one you call Abu Dhabi (Ibe Nwoko) is doing. He doesn’t have our support.

“As you have come today, please make sure you tell everyone that we believe in equity, that every member of our family will get whatever that is due to him or her. Let us support equity and fairness wherever we are. Support and vote for the PDP. Vote for me for senate, vote Chinwe for House of Representatives, vote all PDP candidates on Saturday. On the 11th of March, let’s support our brothers from Isialangwa North and the rest of Umunneato by voting for Okey Ahiwe and all PDP candidates.

“I will make sure that even as you have returned, nobody will deny you your right in this party. Whatever that is your right here, you will get it. This umbrella is big enough to accommodate us, and my duty is to promote and ensure your comfort under the PDP umbrella.”

Speaking also while receiving them, the PDP chairman in Obingwa, Chief Seth Agomou welcomed them and assured them that the PDP umbrella is big enough to accommodate them. He charged them to go home to their polling units and work for the PDP’s victory in the Saturday election.

“I am happy that you’re back under the PDP umbrella. This is your party, you belong here. Please go home to your various polling units and work for the victory of our party on Saturday the 25th of February and Saturday 11th March, and ensure all PDP candidates win. Vote PDP 5over5.”

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