Aba ~ There will be a decline in power distribution due to shortage of gas – Geometric power

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The management has released a statement requesting their customers to bear with them in time of this unavoidable circumstances of reduction in power distribution.


Our Dear Esteemed Customers,

We humbly extend our greetings to each and every one of you.

It is with regret that we inform you of the current shortage of gas supply to our power plant this week, which has impacted our ability to meet our desired level of service delivery of electricity to you. However, our gas supplier has continued to reassure us that they are working hard to fix the problem within their facilities and will restore their gas supply as soon as possible. We pray that this will happen soon.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this painful situation may have caused you.

We thank you for your prayers, patience, and understanding during this trying period.

Aba Power Management

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