We Can’t Afford A Repeat Of Yar’adua/Jonathan Era Now- North Calls For Buhari’s Protection

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Mr. Gimba Kakanda, a Popular essayist and Political expert has announced that Nigeria can not manage the cost of a rehash of Late President Umaru Yar’adua and Goodluck Jonathan circumstance in 2010.

Late Yar’adua passed on the fifth of May 2010 after a drawn out affliction and was covered the following day. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan who was his Vice intrinsically took on the situation of the President.

For certain reasons most popular to him, Gimba Kakanda hardly any hours back on his Twitter page assaulted the Vice President and approached everybody to secure President Buhari.

Gimba stated: “Ensure the President definitely. We can’t bear the cost of a rehash of the Yar’adua period in this crucial time.

The potential substitutions are a variety of vultures I wouldn’t have any desire to find responsible for Nigeria. Furthermore, presently isn’t an ideal opportunity to escape the nation.”

This unquestionably didn’t go down well with numerous Nigerians, as they felt Gimba Kakanda heaved that out of his scorn for southerners since he is notable for continually censuring President Buhari.

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