Breaking – Governor Otti sacks CPS, Kazie Uko – apppoints Mr Ukoha Njoku Ukoha

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The Executive Governor of Abia State, Dr. Alex Otti, OFR, has appointed Mr. Ukoha Njoku Ukoha as his new Chief Press Secretary (CPS), replacing Hon. Kazie Ukoh.

This announcement was made by the Commissioner for Information and Culture, Prince Okey Kanu, during a briefing with journalists on the outcome of this week’s State Executive Council Meeting (SEC), chaired by State Governor, Dr. Alex Otti, at the government house in Umuahia.

While no specific reason was provided for Mr. Ukoh’s replacement, Prince Kanu indicated that the decision is part of Governor Otti’s strategy to “rejig the media ecosystem of his administration.”

The Commissioner highlighted that Mr. Ukoha Njoku Ukoha is well-regarded for his extensive experience in advocacy and media management and is expected to bring his expertise and passion for writing to the role.

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